Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Library Way

I am always discovering new (to me, at least) things in this city and today, while walking from the far east 30s to Times Square, I made a wonderful book-related discovery.  My zig-zag path serendipitously took me to Library Way.  Embedded into the sidewalk on 41st Street from Park Avenue to 5th Avenue, leading to (or from) the "main" library are sculpted bronze plaques illustrating accompanying quotes about literature, knowledge, information and reading.  I forgot to bring my camera, but the link above will take you to images of the plaques.  There are so many wonderful quotes and images it is hard to choose a favorite, but the poem by Bohumil Hrabal, a poet I had never heard of, might be mine.  Which is yours?

What serendipitous discoveries (book-related or otherwise) have you made in New York?


  1. We've enjoyed wandering around Battery Park City in the past. Last summer, we finally got to climb up the Irish Potato Famine Memorial at Vesey Street along the River Terrace. It's beautiful and next to a great park. New York book references always take me to Time and Again and just imagining standing in the Dakota in order to travel back in time to 19th century New York.

  2. I like that the quotes list birth and death dates, and of course some are 19XX-- without a death date, which is how they will stay.
