Monday, April 15, 2013

A Poem A Night

I have resolved to read each child at least one poem before we plunge into whatever book we are in the middle of each night because otherwise, our poetry collection just languishes on our shelves.  I figure that, like anything, the beginning may be a bit bumpy, but soon it should become a habit.  After a rough start (the first two nights we didn't read any poems!), we've been off and running.  My younger daughter is still not a fan but even if she never becomes one, exposure to the rhythms, rhymes, and language of poetry is a good thing.

Here are some of the poetry books that we've been reading from:

I'm thinking of buying Poetry Speaks to Children as well.

I think of poetry anthologies as a bit like cookbooks.  You're not going to like every recipe or poem in the book, but if there are a few amazing ones, it may be worth owning the whole volume.

When do you read poetry to your kids?  What books of poetry for children are your favorites?

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