I haven't had a chance to check, but hopefully these new editions also correct the typos present in the old versions, especially the appalling, and appallingly frequent, example which appears twice in the single page to the right. Can you find it?
I do wish that the publisher had added interior illustrations and possibly introductions by contemporary writers who themselves read and love the books, as in the new editions of the Betsy-Tacy books. Alas. They are certainly still worth purchasing for those of us whose copies will likely not survive being passed on to the next generation (see photo above!).
These new editions are published by Sourcebooks, a publisher I've never heard of. Have you? It appears that Sourcebooks has republished only the first five books of the series; I hope the rest follow soon.
Interestingly, my daughter prefers the older books - whether purely on aesthetic grounds or because she had already developed a sentimental attachment to them I am not sure!
I am beside myself that of all words THAT was was misspelled!